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These are the sermons of the wrongful paths; those who walk them and are ensnared by them, and the dangers they pose to Saradomin's faithful. Walk always on the lighted path, and from them your faith will preserve you.


Wrongful is the king who propagates order through fear, for it is he who in turn propagates fear of order, and it is he who founds his dominion upon the sorrows of others. Behold him by his words:

"I am the dark imperator
I am the mightiest of kings
I bring empty prosperity
The children of Men and Mah
Dance around a circle of bright un-stars
And sing my name
For they worship me
In my domain
Happiness gives way to progress"


Wrongful is the general who sacrifices his men without care, and kills the surrendered without trial, for he defiles the existance of war as necessity, and deifies it as sport. Behold him by his words:

"I am the walking war
I am the season unending
Unstoppable save the perpetuation of mine own existance
I breed my followers in mine image
Ugly and grotesque
Loved by none except me
That they love me back for eternity
Mine eyes weep war, battle, siege and skirmish across the land
And mine horns are used to murder the kings of men'"


Wrongful is the rebel who fights for the hateful cause, for he tears down the foundings of order and does away with them as nothing. Behold him by his words:

"I am the winds of change
I drag behind me the corpses of kings
I sweep away the progress brought by years
As swift as a thunderclap
I am the lord of upheaval
And perpetrator of interregnum
I believe not in stability
For it gives way to prosperity
And the establishment of peace and just law'"


Wrongful is the simple man who lives in denial of Saradominion, for he walks his path to Infernus obliviously and is destined for erasure. Behold him by his words:

"I am the Naragada
I live in denial of rulership
I am the god of my own self-nothingness
I encompass the unenlightened in a veil of refusal
That they might live as I do
And shelter from the rightful path
I close my eyes and sleep
And remain disconnectant from the waking world
And isolate my mind from the burden of my own hubris"