RuneScape Roleplay Wiki


Grandmaster Zokrum Founder of the Order of Wizards,1st Grandmaster of the High Council of Mages


The Order of Wizards(origenly called The Order of Magika) was one of the oldest roleplays that had existed in Runescape roleplay and was considerd by many the most dominent magic roleplay to ever grace world 42. It was started by 5 school freinds who loved the idea of makeing a formal magic order for roleplay and they came up with something called the order of magika which would one day be renamed the order of wizards. The order of wizards was a highly sucsesfull roleplay due to the high ammount of player made lore and backstory that revovled around the order. The order of wizards was started back in Feb 2003 during the classic years on world 16. It started as a f2p roleplay and it had about 15 members, However during the Runescape 2 update the order's members obtained Runescape Membership and moved from world 16 to world 92 being a members world. With the initial release of the roleplaying server the order held a vote to move to world 42 from world 92 and it was something that was debated for about 2 months. However the Grandmaster at the time decided it would be best to interact with other roleplayers who shared the same intrests as the rest of the group so the move was put into effect.

The Order of Magika and Betaplay

Origenlly called the Order of Magika the betaplay of the order took place during jan of 2003 and all the members made "rofl charecters" to test out the roleplay to see if it was a good idea, this was known as betaplay. The beta for the order went very well and people loved the orders take on magic and its new ideas, It was originelly going to be that the order had a Head wizard and that the mages did evrything the head wizard said. However this would be changed and the High Council of Mages was formed with the "head wizard" takeing the title of Grandmaster of the Order.

It was during this peroid that it was suggested to change the orders name from the order of magika to the order of wizards. A vote was held on this and the new name The Order of Wizards won by a landslide.

The Order of Wizards Under Zokrum

Zokrum the fire master was the first grandmaster of the high magic council of Gielinor, he was the esteembed founder of both the order and the council. Zokrum was known across Gielinor for his mastery of fire magic ledgend speaks of Zokrums fire being able to melt mountins. Grandmaster Zokrum also had at his side an enchanted sword of great power the origins of which are currently unknown. However the order was primerly a saradomist order, but Zokrum himself was a secret Zamorkain. He refused to accept the principles of the order so plotted agenst them. Unfortunately he fell ill and died before he could carry out his plan and the roleplay was passed onto the next Grandmaster.


Grandmaster Xonus the 2nd Grandmaster of the High Council of Mages


With the time of Zokrum done the order passed onwards to Grandmaster Xonus who made a radical change to the order, Any religion was now given free entry to the order being Saradomist Guthixin or Zamorakin(Armadyl Bandos and Zaros were not known to the order at this time in its history). Many years would pass and a messure of peace would be in the order for a great time, Xonus would lead the order passing on his knowledge and skills to the next generation he was a powerfull master of the air magiks being a mastermind at mathmatical prediction Xonus was able to predict and calculate a foes moves in battle in his mind as quick as a snap of the fingers. Grandmaster Xonus however did not become the orders Battlemaster as he refused to accept the concept of war amungst the mages. Xonos belived combat in terms of training was perfectly fine but he pushed to make the order as peacefull as possible withdrawing the order more and more from the goings on of Gielinor he tried to keep the wizards isolated on the tower island in order to prevent them getting invovled in any troubles or disputes. Dispite this however Grandmaster Xonus was killed during a Zamorakin upriseing in the wizards tower takeing down many Zamorakin mages single handed he died a hero.

Ludo Rzaruis


Grandmaster Ludo Rzaruis 3rd Grandmaster of the High Council of Mages

After the death of grandmaster Xonus the 3rd mage to hold the title of the Grandmaster of the High Council of Mages was Master Ludo Rzaruis who was a proud master of earth magic. Rzaruis was the teacher and adoptive farther of future Grandmaster Samarodion Amysth(who would later become the 5th Grandmaster) This great master of earth magic was a mage of houner and pride who belived in the code of houner and distinction. "Battle in its purest form" he would brag. He belived that combat solved evrything and that it would always prove who spoke truth. If there was any form of conflict in the order he would set them in a battle to the death the winner of this battle would be deemed the speaker of truth, many mages in the order spoke out agenst this as they found it highly unorthadox and some masters even argued agenst Rzaruis that it broke the code of the order. This lead to a schisem were the conclave of masters tried to wrestle the title of grandmaster from Master Rzaruis and assign it to a different wizard this however did not come to pass.

Grandmaster Rzaruis would lead the order untill his ripe old age of 115 were he would pass on the role to the next generation of mages.

Zinellia Florkain


A Painting of Zinellia Florkain in the Wizards Tower the 4th Grandmaster of the High Magic Council

After the death of Ludo Rzaruis the 4th Grandmaster of the High Magic Council and the first female Grandmaster(originly grandmistriss but she argued just beacuse she is a woman it shouldent change the name of the title) Florkain was famos for being one of the most powerfull masters of water magics of the 5th age earning her the nickname amungst her fellow mages "the sea dragon". Florkain was famos for leading the order during the orders cival war that was dubbed "The Great Magic War" The war lasted for 5 years claiming the lives of many mages as half the order wanted necromancys practice to be made legal. However Grandmaster Florkain refused to make necromancy a legal art and she used her power as Grandmaster to disband the council and form an advisory council of Arch Mages. Now useing her authority as Grandmaster to take full control of the order for the duration of the war she made Master Samarodion Amysth not only an Arch mage to serve on her advisory council but her High General. The advisory council of the war consisted of the following mages.

-Grandmaster Zinellia Florkain

-Arch Mage Samarodion Amysth

-Arch Mage Laura Amysth

-Arch Mage Daxxan

-Arch Mage Zifnab

-Arch Mage Rivert

-Arch Mage Soria

However Florkain was slain during the last battle of the war she left instruction for her sucsessor to be Samarodion Amysth.

Samarodion Amysth

Samarodion amysth

Samarodion Amysth 5th Grandmaster of the High Magic Council

The war has ended and the High Council of Mages had to choose to houner Florkains wishs or not, in the end they decided to. In the year 104 of the 5th age Samarodion Amysth was named Grandmaster of the High Council of Mages.

Grandmaster Amysth also reformed the High Magic Council now the war was over there was no longer any need for the Grandmaster to have all the power in the order.

Samarodion Amysth was known for his supreme mastery of magic and was considerd to be one of the best mages of his generation being a supreme master of earth magic Grandmaster Samarodion masterd earth magic to such a degree it held few secrets from him.

Samarodion Amysth had masterd all 5 forms of earth magic defined by the order and even created his own, Samarodion also obtained mastery in a number of other magical areas, Samarodion was capable of controling the lightning effects of saradomin strike and chargeing the energy of the spell to a deadly level.

Grandmaster Amysth became capable of casting Saradomin Strike without a Saradominn Staff after years of study by createing his own unique looking Saradomin Staff, However like with training wheels on a bike Samarodion one day found the staff redundent and moved away from Saradomin Strike to create his own spell Saradomins Judgement.

Samarodion became known as the most powerfull wizard to ever hold the title of Grandmaster of the high magic council he died in his sleep in the wizards tower during the year 169 of the 5th age.

The Order Disbands

Not long after Grandmaster Amysths death the soon to be 6th Grandmaster Droidak Siralii disbanded the order along with Arch Mage Louis Pyron. They felt the order had served its purpose in history and it was time for the orders influence over destiny to end.

Customs and Goals of the Order

"The great order of mages stands as a pinnacle of magic in the land of gilinor and has seen many mages come and go over its many years will you be among them?
The Order of Wizards are looking for wizards everywhere to teach each other and to learn from one another. We serve Gilinor. The order is open to all who wish to learn but the council does not aprove of zamorakins and refuses them entry into the order."

The order was a highly peacefull organiseation of mages who tried to keep a grip and control over magic to stop peoples abuse of magic. The Orders belif was that if you focosed on one area of magic for a life time you could take your learning and boundrys of knowledge far higher then any other mage and obtain a true mastery of that area of magic.

Members of the order had to live by two different codes. The Code of the Order and The Code of Respect

The Code of the Order
-A mage of the order shall not abuse their power
-A mage of the order shall obey the council
-A mage of the order shall show respect at all times
-A mage of the order will try to resolve conflict without violence
-A mage of the order will never let emotion cloud their judgement
-A mage of the order will never harm the innocent
-A mage of the order will follow the laws of the land and respect other peoples authority in there own domains
Understanding The Code of the Order
The first line of the code restricts members of the order to not abuse their power over other members of the order or those outside the order
The second line of the code exists to ensure the consistent leadership of the order so the order doesn't fall apart
The third line of the code ensures that you show the same respect to others that they give to you
The forth line of the code tries to ensure mages of the order resolve conflict peacefully
The fifth line means a mage of the order is trained to be above such things as human emotion and needs to do what is right for gielinor not for personal gain
The sixth line explains how a mage of the order must not harm innocent life, all life is connected and shouldn't be harmed
The seventh line of the code explains purely that while in other lands not controlled by the order a mage of the order shall respect the authority of the people there and be respectful to them
The Code of Respect
-Bow to those in higher rank
-Do no call a master by there first name
-Do not back chat an arch mage or master
-Show respect to the council
-Show respect to your fellow mages
-Show respect to those outside the order
-Do not be disrespectful to those who are ranked lower then yourself

The High Magic Council

The High Magic Council was the governing body of the Mages of Gielinor and governed the use of magic in The Order of Wizards and mutliple other organiseations.

Known Members of the High Magic Council Are

Grandmaster Zokrum
Arch Mage Erelem
Grandmaster Xonos
Arch Mage Auvinen
Grandmaster Rzaruis
Arch Mage Soria
Arch Mage Rivert
Arch Mage Adlek
Arch Mage Laura Amysth
Grandmaster Florkain
Arch Mage Xuxseressa
Arch Mage Zifnab
Arch Mage White
Grandmaster Samarodion Amysth
Arch Mage Sarah Nourom
Arch Mage Louis Pyron
Arch Mage Ashley Arven
Arch Mage Jane Rovin
Arch Mage Droidak Siralii
Arch Mage Mack Pyron

The Rankings of the Order

Grandmaster of the Order-The elected head of the entire order, the guidince of the order and the recognised strongest mage in the entire order, any member of the order can organise a one to one meeting with the grandmaster should they ever require wisdom or guidance
Head Arch Mage-The grandmasters second in command and the elected leader of the high council of mages
Arch Mage-Members of the high council of mages, great masters of magic
Master Mage-A great magic teatcher who the council belive shows great skill and wisdom
Teacher-A mage who has passed there tests and is able to teach other mages
Skilled Mage-A mage who has shown skill in the eyes of the grandmaster and is more of a title then a rank
Mage-An apprentice who has achieved the first stage of training and is readying to take there tests
Apprentice-A mage still in training and has yet to pass their tests

Titles in the Order

Grandmaster of the Order-the overall head of the entire order
Head Arch Mage-the leader of the council of mages
Master of the Order-will assume the role of grandmaster while the grandmaster is away
Battlemaster-the recognised greatest magic duellist in the entire order and is in charge in overseeing combat training and exercises’
Sagemaster-the recognised expert on arcane knowledge and study of magic, and is in charge of the orders archives
Loremaster-the recognised head of the library in the tower and is an expert on history
Chief Healer-the most accomplished healer on the council and is in charge of all the medics in the order
Chronicler-the orders relic expert and is in charge of looking after and maintaining magical relics
Grand Historian-provides help to students who need help studying the history of the order specifically (rank abolished)
Arbiter-the ambassador of the order
Vanguard-oversees the protection of the wizards tower
Herb master-the orders potion master
Rune Guardian-head of the Runecrafting guild (rank abolished)
Alter Summoner-in charge of monitoring summoning in the order


-The Order is quite possibly the longest existing roleplay spanning 9 years

-It was origenlly started by 5 school freinds as a joke, all 5 of them were at some point the Grandmaster of the Order

-The Order holds many refrences to Star Wars as the founder of the order was a huge star wars fan

-At its high the order of wizards had 55 members makeing it possibly the biggest magic bassed roleplay to ever grace world 42
