RuneScape Roleplay Wiki


Marcus "Marcie" Leon Alexander Velox is 6"0" tall, very well built with a noticeable scar on his cheek from when he was shot whilst teleporting with a broad tipped bolt. Marcus' skills are great, in both Ranged and close combat, but he lacks the ability to use any form of magic.


Marcus without the red stuff.


When Marcus was young he was a genius excelling in all forus of "school." He also excelled in combat but at his school they only practiced with wooden swords and blunt arrows. He never felt comfortable with a sword, it was always the bow he loved. This was strange as his father was a guard who was a skilled swordsman. One day after walking home to his home on the outskirts of Camelot, Marcus found the door open. He grew scared knowing his father was out of patrol and wouldn't be back until late at night but Marcus, however, wasn't the type to run. He edged forward into his house, hearing noise from his parents room. He walked towards his mother's framed Elven longbow. He tried to open then case but it was locked. He got his wooden dagger from his school bag and jammed it into the lock somehow opening it with almost no noise. He grabbed the bow as well as her quiver and arrows, quickly putting the quiver on his back. Before he moved to investigate, he got a feel for the bow. He moved towards his parents room but what he saw scared him even more then what he had feared. Earlier he just thought it was a robber but it wasn't, it was his dads commanding officer in his parents bed doing God knows what. his eyes started to cry and he felt a emotion that would later fill his life. Angry in a pure blind rage, he fired the bow straight at the commanders forehead. The arrows sliced though the air making nearly no noise, but the commander moved at the last second, the arrow only scraping his shoulder. "What the hell?" Marcus' mother screamed "You're bleeding!"

Both of them poked their heads out of the cover seeing Marcus Holding her bow with an arrow in hand his eyes filled with angry as well as tears. The commander spoke "You wounded me boy!".Marcus eyes filled with fear now knowing he couldn't last 5 seconds against the guard commander. The commander got up reaching for his sword, ignoring his shield. Marcus Loaded a arrow "Don't move!". His mother screamed in Elven "Marcus, don't shoot him I love him!"
But Marcus had only started learning Elven a week ago, so all he heard was "Marcu,s shoot him!". Before he could even translate the last bit in his mind, he had fired the arrow. The commander swiped to slice the arrow in half, but as he moved his arm, the pain in his shoulder increased to unbearable levels. The arrow shot into his neck. Marcus paused having understood what his mother had meant to say. Out of the corner of his eye, Marcus saw the Guard Captain stand and advance towards Marcus. He grabbed another arrow and fired it at his chest. But his mother who was deeply in love with the commander more so then her owe son, jumped in front of the arrow, it pierced directly into her heart. As she gasped for air, the guard commander dropped his longsword and started to hold her in his arms. Marcus ran as fast as he could, he later returned to find his mother had died as his father was hung for murder, as the commander unable to find Marcus, said his father did it. This scared Marcus, unable to return home, he fled to Catherby. He met a dark mage who lived near the Tower of Life who agreed to help Marcus forget the crimes he had done. It took nearly 3 years for Marcus to be able to block out the memory of him killing his mother.

His father killed, the wizard only agreed hoping Marcus would kill for him, but Marcus couldn't just forget half of his life. So he replaced the memory of him killing his mother with the wizard killing him. So when he was done he would think he had finally tracked the wizard down and was about to kill him. As the wizard slept, Marcus fired an arrow point blank into his heart and one again into his spinal cord. As he killed him, he felt empowered and happy. He loved to kill.

As Marcus grew older, he killed people his age and stole from adults. But one day his "target" got away and it was a friend of the Royals, so Marcus had to flee Catherby. He stayed in hiding until he was 23. For 13 years he never left the safety of outskirts of Falador. He had built a house high up in a tree stealing supplies from traders who walked by, But one week, no traders came. He was growing hungry so he walked to Varrock. He saw a group of people and tried to steal from one of them, but a women stopped him and threw Marcus into a nearby shop window. To his surprise she walked into the shop and said "If you're looking for a job, I will pay you to 'take care' of someone for me." He later found out the woman's name it was "Sin Evermore", a strange name, but he was happy. He had found a way to make income. He helped Sin kill the person and was rewarded with a job at her "company". Marcus went around killing for money, his blood lust was always satisfied and if it wasn't he would kill an innocent. He was a cold blooded killer.

Marcus lead the life of a cold blooded killer for almost a year until his own stupidity got the better of him. He was killed by the Duke of Lumbridge's left hand man. For unknown reasons, the Duke kept his body encased in ice, when his brother, Caine, learned this. He applied to help Lumbridge. After the Duke killed himself, he stole the body of his brother and revived it with some help. But something was different, he didn't seem like Marcus. His death experience had opened his eyes, he renounced his religion of Zamorak and turned to Guthix for answers. By pure luck, he met with a old friend who gave him a job with the Void Knights. His old friend "Vicente" knew of his skill in archery and his past. He promoted him to second-in-command as he knew he was someone he could trust.

But the urge to kill was still inside him. He met Joni, an old memeber of the Ceedo and soon trusted him with his life. After leaving the "Sins" he saw something, it was was Ashe the vampyre, who killed his third wife a while back. He charged forward, his sword and shield out. In his rush, he completely forgot he was in Canfis. The fight lasted longer then it should of, maybe Ashe was toying with him but it didn't do anything. Marcus was beaten half to death. Ashe knowing Marcus wouldn't mind dying as much as knowing he got his ass handed to him, left him to die. Call it luck or whatever, but a passing vampyre walked past him and saw an easy meal As he bent down, he saw something strange. Marcus' teeth, they were fangs. His skin was pale. He was a vampyre. So he took him back to his house letting him heal. As Marcus awoke he was in a panic as he saw the man "Why aren't I dead?" .

He replied "I wouldn't leave a fellow vampyre to die would I?"

"What is he on about?" Marcus thought to himself, he checked his mouth with his tongue as he shouted "WHAT IN GODS NAME DID YOU DO TO ME!?"

The vampyre replied "Me?"

"You didn't make me a vampyre?"


"Ashe!" he thought, once more. Marcus quickly left to find a old friend who was a powerful mage whom specialised in invented magical devices.
He did enjoy the speed and strength he gained but as what cost? He asked his friend if there was anything he could do. He made three magical items, that together turned his skin a normal colour complexion and hid any over vampyre features apart from his fangs. But if the items were to be removed or stolen, the changes would be erased. After finding Vinny and Sinny he kept his new race hidden for now....


Towershield - Marcus has a towershield 3'0" tall, half his own height. It is made of dragonhide and mithril. Mithril for less wieght and dragonhide for magic defence.

Longsword - Normal longsword made of runite. On the shaft it has "Death is just a path one that we all must take," written in Elven.

Expoding Potions - When lit, they will explode quickly and cause a large radius of damage.

Acid in a bottle - When the vial smashes, the acid pours out and can destory wood and cloth.
