RuneScape Roleplay Wiki
Various Documents
Letter detail



This pages contains a various collection of reports, letters, and other documents relating to Janus. These documents range from grades at The Wizard's Tower to private correspondence with royalty.

The following have access to these documents:

  • Janus, the recipient of documents sent to himself.
  • Recipients of documents from Janus.


The Wizard's Tower

From Rayleigh: 1

Lost-Dream: A Wonderful work in securing your implings with earth spells. Be careful not to use to much force, should you end up harming the creatures in the future. Credit added for the being the first to correctly handle the creatures as well as the attempted communication with the creatures, albeit impractical.

To Nicholas Elendion: 1

"I have not attended any of your previous classes, but I wish to be enrolled in this course. I have studied Divination since the wisps's advent on Karamja, having witnessed the energy rift's opening. If it is possible (and necessary), I request an evaluation to test out of the lower level course."

From Nicholas Elendion: 1

Very well, come to my office when you get the chance and we can discuss such an evaluation.

From Amara Elysian: 1

All who attended recieve a passing grade, as it is a pass/fail class.

I would like to note that Cullem West and Kai Lost-Dream performed exceptionally and deserve that extra recognition.


From Bloodback: 1

Kai Lost-Dream

Living up to his surname, Kai made no effort at all in the class; daydreaming, not paying attention and being bitter. He did physically nothing to contribute to the lesson, aside from his antics as a proverbial pin-cushion, thanks to my magicks. Fail.

From Nicholas Elendion: 2

All students taking part in my class have received a passing grade. All further classes have been cancelled. I apologize for the sudden change, but I'm afraid my focus must turn elsewhere. Thank you all for taking interest, and I wish you well in your studies.

From Drask Rayleigh: 2

Office hours are now open. Please drop in should you have any further questions regarding the material discussed in class. Those wishing to attend a make-up class for this course should make themselves known on the parchment on my office door.

From Drask Rayleigh: 3

Students, please see the provided text to aide you in my course. To those who may have missed one of my classes, the creatures covered so far include Implings, Grimm's Butterfly, Icefiends, and Pyrefiends. Take your time to review those section within the text and add to your personal notes. Those who wish to explore further can examine the additional text, though it is not required content for the course until it is covered in class.

Regards, Rayleigh

From Astrid Grace: 1

Lost in the forest. Stranded on an island. Alone in the desert. A good wizard is ready for everything, this is why I, Astrid Grace, will be dumping the lot of you in an unknown area on Gielinor with nothing more than your clothes. You wil be using only magic to survive in the wilds for a day and a night! Exciting, isn't it? I will be watching over you so no worries, kids, Astrid has your backs.

Before we leave the tower, all students that were involved in the Zayne experiment must have been cleaned from his corruption first to ensure nothing bad happens. If the contract is still valid, please go see Mister Dour asap.

If you are willing to participate in the little field trip, please fill in the form bellow and drop it in my mailbox! Oh, and don't forget to wear something warm and be aware that this field trip will not be 100% safe.. not that you kids are used to my lessons being actually safe, but fun and wisdom come with certain risks!

From Nicholas Elendion: 3

Colleagues and Friends,

It's been a pleasure working here and teaching the various students who have come and gone from the Tower. Though a part of me is saddened to do so, It's time for me to move on. I wish you all a happy and bright future.

From Astrid Grace: 2

Y'all passed!

From Drask Rayleigh: 4

Lost-Dream: A For a prepared and well-versed understanding of the biology and temperament of juvenile blue dragons. Handling the dragons without any physical harm to yourself was most impressive, though your methods will require some fine-tuning if you wish to use them outside of the controlled scenario you took part in. I advise you to practice up on your fire magic skills. You would be surprised at the value even the most basic abilities will hold for you in the future.

From Miguel Bordeleaux: 1

Kai: A+ Similar to Anna's, however I was a little more impressed with this student's additions.

From Soritha Moonrunner: 1

Kai - A - Had a mental barrier from start to finish, was proud to have him assist another student in the lesson.


To Senna Vekon: 1

Your Majesties,

I offer two things, the first being my heartfelt congratulations to you newlyweds, and an apology. I am a magician of simple means, thus my gift is small in comparison to the grandeur provided by your other guests. My gift is merely a symbol of my wishes that both your marriage and your reign prosper and grow strong akin to the mighty oak, which may one day stand as a giant reminder of your prosperous reign.

Warm Regards, Janus, Travelling Magician and Scholar


To King Caius Elysian: 1

Your Majesty,

I write to update your highness on the situation. Last night I made my way to the White Knight camp posthaste to deliver your summons to Captain Reiner. He agreed to meet with your highness immediately and planned to ride to Varrock this very morning.

Tonight, I managed to glean some information concerning their task. The battalion is in pursuit of a singular dangerous element. Reiner alleges it to be highly dangerous to military assets and civilians alike. However, I pressed upon him too hard, further information for the time being is for your highness's ears only.

Your servant, Janus

P.S. I apologize for troubling your highness with such a personal problem but can you make sure one of your servants delivers onto me a key for my temporary residence? I've had to ask guardsmen to unlock my room for the past three nights.
